Virtuosity Blog

Success Story I CCCC Water Transportation Planning Design Institute Co., Ltd.

Written by Bentley Expert | Aug 11, 2022 7:32:56 PM

SAPT Container Yard and Housing Construction Phase II Project

Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

Project Summary


To enhance operations at the Karachi Port in Pakistan, CCCC Water Transportation Planning Design Institute was tasked with developing the first automated shipping container yard in the country. The 30-hectare project involved contributions from numerous fields, including buildings, roads, machinery, water elements, and pipelines. Communications among the team would be especially challenging, as project contributors and stakeholders spoke Urdu, English, and Chinese. Although the development of the port was complex, CCCC had to adhere to a tight schedule, and the port owner demanded a high-quality design.


Though CCCC used 2D design for portions of previous port projects, the organization realized that it would need to use building information modeling (BIM) for all aspects of the Karachi Port development to remain on schedule and overcome complexities. Therefore, the design team established a collaborative working environment with clearly defined workflows and standards. Specialists created 3D models of individual components, combining them into a single model that improved communication, detected clashes, and accelerated the approval process. The finished model is also the foundation for the container yard’s construction, operation, and management.


By visualizing the project’s design and establishing a connected data environment, CCCC improved design efficiency by 20% and modeling efficiency by 30%, compared to the organization’s previous 2D methodology. Additionally, the design team detected and resolved more than 300 clashes and resolved potential construction issues during the design phase, which decreased development costs by 5%. The connected data environment also significantly improved communication within the multilingual design team.


ProjectWise provided a connected data environment and ensured a single source of truth for all collaborators. OpenRoads Designer was used to create models for the yard, roads, and water systems. The application also enabled the team to design pipelines and cabling for water, sewage, and electricity components. OpenBuildings helped the team construct auxiliary structures and supporting facilities, while OpenRail was used to lay out the railway. Navigator and LumenRT allowed the team to assemble and visualize the BIM models. SYNCHRO enabled CCCC to visualize the construction process and determine the build schedules.

Project Playbook: LumenRT, MicroStation, Navigator, OpenBuildings, 

OpenRail, OpenRoads, ProjectWise, ProStructures, STAAD, SYNCHRO


  • The SAPT container yard is the first to incorporate a BIM methodology into all aspects of a port development project.
  • CCCC’s use of 3D modeling improved design efficiency by 20% and modeling efficiency by 30% compared to the organization’s previous 2D methodology.
  • Working within a connected data environment improved communication among the multilingual team by approximately 35% and helped to resolve over 300 clashes.
  • The design team complied with the high-quality design requirements and lowered costs by 5%.

“For the first time, Bentley solutions have been applied in this automated container terminal project, which is an important example of using BIM technology in the field of water transportation engineering. The innovative application of collaborative design highlights the comprehensive advantages of Bentley’s platform and improves the efficiency of project communication and management.”

Tianli Zheng
Deputy Chief Engineer
CCCC Water Transportation Planning Design Institute Co., Ltd.