Success Story | Solar Panel Supporting Rooftop Structure Installation

Aryatech Marine & Offshore Services Pvt. Ltd.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Aryatech Marine & Offshore Services was retained to perform a structural strength assessment of a mounting and support structure for 10 rooftop solar panels to optimize the panel angle and allow for sufficient space to obtain maximum sunlight benefit. The structure was required to support a total weight of 220 kilograms and needed to withstand a wind speed of 150 kilometers per hour. Upon completion, the innovative mounting and installation concept enabled proper orientation of the solar panels to efficiently obtain solar power.

The project team used STAAD.Pro to perform detailed structural analysis for the combined loadings of dead weight and wind speed. Working in a flexible modeling environment with a built-in collection of components enabled the team to understand the structural behavior and efficiently design the mounting support structure. Compared to other available software packages, STAAD.Pro’s user-friendly features reduced processing time for linear static analysis by 13 percent.

This project was a nominee in the Structural Engineering category of the 2018 Year in Infrastructure Awards, now known as the Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure.




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