The Importance of Having the Right Tools and a Coordinated Plan for Project Success


From Concept Design to Construction

For project success, it’s not only having the right software and workflow within your design trade, but it’s just as equally important to break out of your multi-discipline work silos to work with the entire design team with a well-coordinated plan of attack.

Context CaptureGetting early input from ALL team members during the conceptual design phase will allow you to track and vet various design iterations, so you can save time and money. With a coordinated workflow in place, teams can be sure that the information they receive is accurate and is being exchanged and managed effortlessly.

Cutting edge technology in the digital construction world still requires proper construction documentation in both digital and paper formats. Stamped plan sets are considered to be crucial as they are a record of the built project in-real-time during the entire course of the project.

With project plan sets in hand, the construction managers in the field will oversee the construction of the project, from groundbreaking to the projects end. Construction management controls the project delivery schedule, cost and quality of the finished asset.

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The final phase in the concept design to construction process is facility handover to the owners/clients. This usually begins with a building envelope test (BET) of the air barrier to quantify leakage rates and water infiltration locations at standard pressures and is either a regulatory or project specification requirement. The test areas can range from single windows, rooms, or multi-story buildings.

The owner/client is also expected to receive digital copies that include all equipment service schedules and warranty information that details all equipment installed.

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Journey with us on building project from concept to construction

Please join Virtuosity on our Digital Construction journey in a webinar series where we take you step by step through the conceptual design and the preliminary design process.

The tools that will be showcased in this 9-part webinar series include these software brands:

    • ContextCapture - Reality modeling software
    • OpenBuildings  - Building design and energy analysis software
    • OpenSite - Site modeling and analysis software
    • OpenFlows - Hydraulics and hydrology software
    • STAAD  - Structural analysis and design software
    • PLAXIS - Geotechnical engineering software
    • ProStructures/LumenRT - Steel and concrete design software
    • SYNCHRO - Digital construction management software

Virtuosity is the new online platform of Bentley Systems that aims to provide organizations with an easy way to buy Bentley products via Practitioner Licenses. 

Virtuosity’s practitioner licenses pairs Bentley products with expert training.

Register for the Webinar