OpenSite for Engineers - Site Design with 3D Realistic Visualization and Automated Site Layout and more

How do engineers use OpenSite? 

What types of projects can I use OpenSite for?

OpenSite has capabilities for all types of land development projects from residential to commercial and industrial. Common features that engineers will leverage are: 

  • Topo Import
    Acquire data such as existing topography and imagery in minutes instead of hours.

  • Automated Parking Layout
    Use parametric parking design tools to create layouts in minutes and adjust just as fast to find optimal layouts.

  • Optimized Grading
    Reduce grading time from days/weeks to minutes. OpenSite's one-click optimization tools grade and analyze designs in minutes.

  • 3D Visualization
    Provide stakeholders with stunning visualizations that typical 2D software cannot deliver. OpenSite includes LumenRT Designer which turns your project into an amazing model for creating realistic images and videos.

    Download the product datasheet for a full list of capabilities

What are some examples of how engineers can use OpenSite?

Benefits of OpenSite for Engineers Automated Site Layout Optimized Grading

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How do engineers benefit from OpenSite?

Get Back Time: Decrease Civil Site Design Time by 20%

As an engineer, you are always looking for more time to create numerous iterations of design alternatives to evaluate the best use case of a client's land. OpenSite allows you to produce best-case scenarios and meet deadlines without working overtime or hiring more staff. Its built-in automation, parametric, and optimization tools allow engineers to reduce manual drafting work in exchange for more design time. In the first 30 days of using OpenSite, engineers will:

  • Produce conceptual design alternatives in hours, not days
  • Reduce frustrating, tedious, manual work
  • Free up more time to receive and implement client feedback
  • Deliver optimized site designs they are proud of
  • Improve ROI with a happy return client base (and potential to attract new clients!)

Reduce Client Risk: Produce Optimized Designs and Detailed Budgets in Hours

Clients come to engineers not only as design experts, but the experts on potential risk too. The movement of dirt has so many unknowns. Do I need a wall, imports, exports, how expensive will this be? OpenSite's ability to identify risk in the conceptual phase, produce multiple solutions, and provide detailed budgets allows clients to make informed decisions fast.  Its ability to do this in hours also ensures your team isn't losing time or money on a project before winning the bid. The ability to generate project feasibility with full transparency will keep clients coming back time and time again.

Overcome the Fear of New Technology: Ease Adoption of OpenSite

Adopting new software can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Most engineers are familiar with 2D CAD design tools. In OpenSite you are essentially using CAD tools to create a 3D model. To make adoption easier, OpenSite Designer comes with the companion product OpenSite SITEOPS. SITEOPS has the same 3D drawing tools in a much easier-to-use interface. You can design any type of project; multi-family, single-family, non-commercial, or commercial, and then export it to your favorite CAD program to create construction documentation.

Knowing that engineers won't make a shift from one workflow to another overnight, SITEOPS allows you to benefit from its speed NOW while you work towards learning OpenSite Designer. In addition, OpenSite comes with LumenRT Designer and you don't need to be a visualization expert to use it. LumenRT allows you to create life-like visualizations with just a few clicks of a button. With this feature, you can easily communicate design intent to stakeholders. Your competitors aren't doing this, quick win to stand out!

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How can engineers learn OpenSite SITEOPS and OpenSite Designer? 

  1. Virtuoso subscriptions come with custom training and mentoring
  2. On-demand courses via Bentley's Learn Server
  3. 15-minute free on-demand product demo
  4. Chat with us to ask questions or request a trial license

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