Posts about

Water and Wastewater

Optimal Sewer Modeling Results with OpenFlows SewerGEMS

October 21, 2021

The ability to integrate your sanitary and combined sewer models with some of the leading engineering software is essential to delivering accurate..

How Growing Utilities Can Manage Their Water Distribution Systems Efficiently

September 30, 2021

Water utilities constantly make decisions and take action in an attempt to meet high standards of service with minimal costs and disruption. It’s a..

How to Automate and Optimize Hydraulic Modeling

May 21, 2021

Are you spending time on water distribution network modeling tasks that you wish could be automated or simplified?Whether you are an existing user of..

Law of Conservation of Turbidity

April 27, 2021

We’re all familiar with the application of laws of conservation of mass and energy in models of water distribution systems. But did you know that..

Design Your Water Distribution System Using OpenFlows WaterGEMS in ArcGIS Pro

April 13, 2021

Integration of your hydraulic modeling software with the leading GIS platforms like ArcGIS is essential to deliver an optimal and accurate water..